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La Belle Vie
Happiness is what you get from this CD. Swing Très Bien Extravaganza stands for lively sunshine jazz and very well-played swing in the spirit of the French hot quintet, with the addition of vibraphone and accordion. The song menu is rich as a troll including songs signed by Django Reinhardt and Stephan Grappeli, but also Mozart in swingtime, fun original melodies by the band members, the lesser known Ellington "Air conditioned jungle" and classics such as "Honeysuckle rose" and Sacha Diestel's "La belle vie".
Alexander Agrell from the Swedish paper SYDSVENSKAN
June 20 2021
Special Stories
The Swedish label AdOpen – whose motto is "music in all formats" – contains an extensive set of excellent jazz music. Their latest release "Special Stories" with Pancella / Rådelius Project contains interesting original compositions by Tony Pancella and Ulf Rådelius but also nice versions of songs from The American Songbook.
Dioni Piątkowski (freely translated) from Era Jazzu
January 2022
The music is consistently engaged, intense and lively and is audibly appreciated by the enthusiastic audience.
Håkan Rydins' long fine phrases on the piano and Jörgen Nilsson's catchy playing on the saxophone provides engaging music where the heat is on and approaching the open flame. Ulf Rådelius' bass playing lifts the whole group and Anders Lagerlöf's strong rhythmic drumming with a melodic touch gets a lot of space in the concluding number.
Leif Wigh from the Swedish magazine JAZZ/OJ
#5 2020
Melodies ...
"Rydin's performance is extremely elegant, focused, goes to the essence of the songs."
Arnaldo DeSouteiro's Blog (Jazz, Bossa & Beyond).
March 2019
Melodies ...
This long-awaited solo debut with extremely beautiful melodies and accompanying harmonies is served comfortably and with warmth. The sound is excellent and Håkan delivers, through the Steinway grand piano, a generous mix of songs in well thought out order.
Lasse Seger from the Swedish magazine JAZZ/OJ
#3 2019
Åke Nordin's Soft Winds Trio
"Nordin has a nice laid-back crisp tone and a swinging breeze in his horn. Sahlin plays tasteful jazz guitar in both accompaniment and solo playing and the trio rests on Rådelius' steady wooden swing."
Magnus Östnäs from the Swedish magazine LIRA
Februari 2020
" ... audio files with big city life from Istanbul or birdsong is woven into the music. Overall they form a musical mosaic of new exciting original compositions with beautiful melodies ..." "First of May begins with a thunderstorm that turns into a folk music-inspired composition where Liebman plays wooden flute and soprano mouthpiece (!)." "The music that created on this album offers a lot to doscover for each listening."
Lasse Seger from the Swedish magazine JAZZ/OJ
#2 2019
" breathes 1960s, and at the same time they give the songs their own, contemporary and personal interpretation
Anna-Mia Barwe's dark, expressive voice has both a presence and a closeness that is wonderful, it feels like we are in the room, where music and lyrics are created."
Bo Bjelvehammar from the Swedish magazine LIRA
February 2021
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